$100 Words And Blow



Charles Blow on Wikipedia

I recently read a Charles Blow opinion piece published in the New York Times. His skill with a thesaurus was quite obvious. But for all the $100 words a comprehensible message absconded detection.


Amazingly Blow’s highly paid to spew confusion and his credentials display impeccably on Wikipedia.

To be a writer of political opinion and commentary. Worthy to be published in the newspapers. Shaping and informing opinion. Getting that money, that fame, that recognition. How does one become an opinion maker in the big apple?

Internet rumors suggest affiliations with a government alphabet agency is quite helpful for the up and coming and the icons. Whatever the requirements, Charles Blow’s writing prowess indicates clearly;  written communication skills are not too important.

All swallowing pride aside – not withstanding the privilege of magna cum laude and degrees in mass communication – How does one who communicates so poorly with the written word, prove worthy of being a voice in the New York Times? Could it be, perhaps, the editors convinced themselves Mr. Blow is just wicked smarter to explain away any perceptions of his opinions resembling nonsensical dribble?

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