Honor The Fallen

You may not know it to look at me, but I do like the rain. Sometimes I go outside and stand in it, well mostly just stand. Once in awhile, when it’s raining I’ll lay down in the wet grass and dirt which is my yard; and roll around a bit.
11C Indirect Fire Infantryman – AKA Mortar Magots
My wife thinks I am crazy doing that. Just laying there on the wet ground. The last time she came outside, laughing at me she said, “You’re such a dope.”
I said, “Hey it reminds me of my days in the Infantry. Kind of reminds me of being young and dumb. You remember that Guy you fell in Love with and married?” Then reaching up to her I pleaded, “Would you please stop talking and help me up?”

Duty Honor Country – God Family Work

On a more serious note. The quality of one’s integrity and commitment, the inner passion, and dedication; must persist Always. And most certainly when the weather is rough.
As American’s we ought to remember, with pride gratitude, and remorse;  those who made our freedom possible. And we will not, American’s that is – let those trying to end our way of life, our Constitution sovereignty, and freedom do so without great hardship, hopefully ever.
Some reader, having just read that, will instinctively have already considered commenting with some sort of insult or slander of the military and America.
To those readers. “Let me be Clear” to quote the one you worship so, “Here is what we know.” – Anyone who would do that, Is not a red blooded America.
I don’t care what the papers say.
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America First No Sharia

Be a Muslim if you want to be but Islamic Sharia is the epitome of oppression and the Antithesis of America’s Constitutional Justice and Freedom.  A quick read of the First Amendment reveals the founding fathers must have realized the threat Islamic Sharia is to a future America.

Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

But Article 6 of the Constitution is even more clear.

The Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution (Article VI, Clause 2) establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the supreme law of the land.

Islamic Sharia places itself above the laws of man. Above the US Constitution and the laws of any Non-Islamic nation. American-Muslim’s should be able to agree Islamic Sharia is a threat to American’s Constitutional Freedoms & Rights. A dangerous threat to the Sovereign Law and People of the United States of America.
Islam is not religion, It is a theocratic authoritarian style of government which imposes adherence to the Muslim Faith and requires submission to Sharia, Islamic Authoritarian Law.

My understanding is Sharia believes those fathered by a Muslim are a Muslim by birth. Any non-Muslim is not entitled to the same rights or treatment as by birth Muslim.

That might explain all the rapes being committed in Europe by ‘Refugees seeking asylum’ from war torn Islamic Sharia Law Countries. And perhaps redefine the EU’s migrant crisis as an Islamic first wave all out attack to spread Sharia throughout the world.

In America, one has the right to worship or not to. Americans can choose to believe in what ever God they want or no god at all. American’s enjoy freedoms but not without restriction.
There are American churches that can no-longer legally dance with snakes, practice bigamy, use illicit drugs, or consummate marriage with children.  Because those behaviors are unacceptable in America.
Islamic Sharia must be ruled Unconstitutional.
Islamic Sharia is the epitome of oppression and the Antithesis of America’s Constitutional Justice and Freedom. The practice, promotion, and advocacy of Islamic Sharia ought to be banned in America.
– Thank for Reading A Political DJ.
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#NoSharia #StopIslam #MAGA #TrumpTrain #USA #BanSharia #BuilTheWall

Patriots in Trumpland

Carefully choosing my words. Because words are controversial weapons to be invoked with caution. Especially on the 21st-century battlefield of Truth and Social Media. Fearing my words might possibly be those simply of a parrot. I signed up and began blogging on wordpress.com. 
I am an American. A Patriot, fat old and out shape but a Patriot none the less. I still uphold my duty and swore oath too if the time ever comes.
And it has. I must do something. Somebody once said; the pen is mightier than the sword. For now, I’ll do my part with words.
It’s early, most people haven’t even realized what they’ve feared,  is already ongoing. The fighting is heavy and Anti-American. Filled with hatred, insults and ignorant childish ridiculous name calling.
They Resist truth at every opportunity and embrace only what they are told. They attack and get put down.  
Like Whack-a-Moles they just keep popping back up.


Trump hate is one thing. But that is not what’s happening. Sedition is a serious an awful thing. People will say it’s free speech, and it is. But it’s also Seditious and you’ve been caught on video, in prints and digitally all over social media. 
“For those who do not know. One great value which history provides us is an opportunity to not repeat the same mistake twice.” – Unknown 
SO what, they never prosecuted sedition in 200 years. Who cares? Does that make contemporary Sedition less Anti-American?
We cannot let the mistakes of history prompt, us to repeat the mistakes of history. Sedition is a crime, and its currently ripping at the fabric of America. It’s destroying us from within.
If you want to see the hatred and the Sedition first hand. Look in the comments and reply’s to a Trump Tweet, WhiteHouse Posting or any official release.
I won’t name names but you know who you are. But there are people out here like me.
Sharing and liking and spreading the news and information we come across. That stuff you know other’s MUST become aware of and know.  
I’m pretty sure you’re out there.
Do we make any difference or are we adding fuel to the fire? Or are we just fooling ourselves?
Bidding time until we die, or something we are freely doing, sharing the news; becomes criminal. I am requesting some sort of dialogue with a reader.
Thank you for reading Political DJ

What Now Mr. President?


Arctic Airborne

Tab & Coin Carried in my wallet since 1996

91A20 11C1P  – US Army 1984-1996

As a Paratrooper, I never went out first or last but I did learn how to properly exit a military aircraft in flight.

Carrying a bunch of heavy shit.

I prefer the Left Door but liked Tailgate jumps more. Honestly, it was exciting but I rarely enjoyed it. One fun jump from a Huey, that one I fondly remember.

I Served as a Medic and as an Indirect-fire Infantryman aka MortarMagot.  I was a leg then luckily saw the light.

Death From Above – AIRBORNE

In the Army, I learned to walk all day and do what I was told. I was not told to get shot at and I am not a combat veteran.

I did work in the emergency room of a Level 1 Trauma Center at MAMC on Fort Lewis, for nearly 3 years.

A proud member of the Trauma and Cardiac Code Teams. I helped save lives and watched as people died. At Madigan, I saw a lot that haunts me.

In the Army you’re taught Be, Know, Do. In the absence of leadership to take charge.

I have not been brainwashed or indoctrinated again, since leaving the US Army. That is probably why I still love and believe in America, my country.

The U.S.A. Home of the Free and the Brave.

A heads up to the Educational elites, Progressives, Liberals, Democrat, RINO’s, Republicans, Islamists, Jihadists, Anarchists, Communists, Socialist, Fascists, Racist’s and Nazis and Politicians trying to further squash America’s freedoms.

You may not expect to see more bravery in the land of the Free – but quite likely more bravery will soon be visible in the public arena.

Upon seeing & hearing the rantings of LaRaza, BAMN, Antifa, and the Islamic Sharia preachings of Linda Sarsour and her ilk – It’s clear to me. There are enemies within the USA borders.

The Media and government say that thought makes me a racist and anti-religious freedom. That there’s a lot of bullshit.

I’m old fat and out of shape but the blood of a once young combat medic turned drive on airborne infantryman – leading the way with death from above still pumps through my aging heart. Ever since I stepped through the door and swore that oath.

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.” (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

You tell me when does it expire? I don’t think it does. And that’s a serious problem for me today, in the Summer of 2017.

America, our Constitution, and way of life are under attack from enemies within. Those enemies have existed for years. Now it’s clear, they’ve infiltrated our government and bureaucracies at every level.

No one I know wants bloodshed or civil war. But voting hasn’t changed things, nor has letters, emails, or phone calls to those elected representatives of “we the people.”

The war of words and meme’s on social media is of no help at all. In fact, IMO social media only fuels our divisions.  While the Media is executing a coup ensuring nobody knows what’s true or fake. We’re all convinced the other guy is lying.

I’ve stayed semi-silent hoping our leaders would correct the problems. But they seem quite ineffective, ignorant or inept. Or perhaps they just don’t care.

Mr. President what would you have us to do?

: American Political DJ

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What Now Mr. President?


Arctic Airborne

Tab & Coin Carried in my wallet since 1996

91A20 11C1P  – US Army 1984-1996

As a Paratrooper, I never went out first or last but I did learn how to properly exit a military aircraft in flight.

Carrying a bunch of heavy shit.

I prefer the Left Door but liked Tailgate jumps more. Honestly, it was exciting but I rarely enjoyed it. One fun jump from a Huey, that one I fondly remember.

I Served as a Medic and as an Indirect-fire Infantryman aka MortarMagot.  I was a leg then luckily saw the light.

Death From Above – AIRBORNE


In the Army, I learned to walk all day and do what I was told. I was not told to get shot at and I am not a combat veteran.

I did work in the emergency room of a Level 1 Trauma Center at MAMC on Fort Lewis, for nearly 3 years.

A proud member of the Trauma and Cardiac Code Teams. I helped save lives and watched as people died. At Madigan, I saw a lot that haunts me.

In the Army you’re taught Be, Know, Do. In the absence of leadership to take charge.

I have not been brainwashed or indoctrinated again, since leaving the US Army. That is probably why I still love and believe in America, my country.

The U.S.A. Home of the Free and the Brave.

A heads up to the Educational elites, Progressives, Liberals, Democrat, RINO’s, Republicans, Islamists, Jihadists, Anarchists, Communists, Socialist, Fascists, Racist’s and Nazis and Politicians trying to further squash America’s freedoms.

You may not expect to see more bravery in the land of the Free – but quite likely more bravery will soon be visible in the public arena.

Upon seeing & hearing the rantings of LaRaza, BAMN, Antifa, and the Islamic Sharia preachings of Linda Sarsour and her ilk – It’s clear to me. There are enemies within the USA borders.

The Media and government say that thought makes me a racist and anti-religious freedom. That there’s a lot of bullshit.

I’m old fat and out of shape but the blood of a once young combat medic turned drive on airborne infantryman – leading the way with death from above still pumps through my aging heart. Ever since I stepped through the door and swore that oath.

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.” (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

You tell me when does it expire? I don’t think it does. And that’s a serious problem for me today, in the Summer of 2017.

America, our Constitution, and way of life are under attack from enemies within. Those enemies have existed for years. Now it’s clear, they’ve infiltrated our government and bureaucracies at every level.

No one I know wants bloodshed or civil war. But voting hasn’t changed things, nor has letters, emails, or phone calls to those elected representatives of “we the people.”

The war of words and meme’s on social media is of no help at all. In fact, IMO social media only fuels our divisions.  While the Media is executing a coup ensuring nobody knows what’s true or fake. We’re all convinced the other guy is lying.

I’ve stayed semi-silent hoping our leaders would correct the problems. But they seem quite ineffective, ignorant or inept. Or perhaps they just don’t care.

Mr. President what would you have us to do?

: American Political DJ

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Conversation’s from TrumpLand

As friends, we often meet for breakfast. We’ve enjoyed many wonderful discussions about numerous and various things. Recently our breakfast conversation turned to the oft taboo subject of Racism and White Privilege.

He stated without hesitation, and I agreed: Black People, Latino’s, Latina’s, Hispanics, Asians, Homosexuals, Mentally ill, and the Handicapped; none of them chose to be born that way. Nature did it to them.

“Oppression just for being born! That is mean, prejudicial, discriminatory, and just plain wrong!” He ranted. “No! It’s Evil to hold someone’s very birth right against them! Who would do that? Only an ignorant racist prejudiced asshole!”

“Absolutely, you nailed it.” I replied, “How could anyone disagree with that?” Not surprisingly at all, we didn’t agree for long. He always has more to say.

“There’s only one kind of Racist in America, and that’s White People.” He went on, “I saw a video the youtube that explains at all. It’s impossible for other races to be racist. Only you White people have the Systemic and Social Advantages of being White. Except you,” He continued, “the straight white male, that kind of  whiteness makes the worst kind of racist.”

“Oh Really?” I inquired, “Where’s that video from do you know who made it?

“Man, Everybody knows.” He explained, “It’s all over the Media, hell man…thousands of College campus’ are teaching it all over the country.  The Straight White Male exploits his Privilege to far.”

That explains why the cable TVs shut off, my phone bills behind and ate that bowl of Ramen for dinner? I thought as I asked, “Please pass the salt?”  Nodding toward the shaker on his side of the table. You’d think he’d said enough, but he wasn’t done.

Handing me the shaker of salt, He said; “No other human – ONLY YOU GUYS – You’re all such dickheads.” I was eating and nodding but thinking, look who you’re talking to! You know me. I am nothing like that!  You’re so full of it, you don’t see yourself at all. “Are you being ridiculous or …”

He cut me off and with a stone cold serious look on face, looked me dead in the eye and said, “You could have chosen to be born Gay, or Black, or Hispanic or some other minority. But NO…, you RAPED your own poor Mother’s ovaries impregnating her and forcing her to birth another Straight White Male into the world.”

I could have punched him! But, like many soldiers with an ex-wife, I’m a graduate of 100 hours of government-approved Anger Management Training. So I just focussed on my breathing. Inhale deeply through the nose out exhale fully out through the mouth.

He just kept yapping, “No one else in history has treated their mothers in this way. The White Male hatred and bigotry is clear! They’re all vile and ought to be held accountable.”

Taking a deep breath I said; “I hear what you are saying and I don’t appreciate, alright. Please don’t say another word about my Mom. That’s a pretty twisted perspective you’ve got.” With a smile I insisted, “And the choice you say I had, to be born this way… White male and not gay. That was God’s, not mine. But I am glad he didn’t make me a fag though.”

“Stop deflecting.” My friend said, “I am not talking about you. I’m talking about the advantages of being born a straight white male. Some people do exploit it! And that is inconsiderate.” He continued, “The rest of the world is struggling and they have no choice. Only you guys. You could still choose to be gay.”

“Wait a minute.” I calmly injected, “Didn’t you just tell me that gay people are born that way, without fault of their own? How can I choose to be born over again? It’s too late. I am already born.”

“You can’t be born again, but you can decide to be gay and be reborn.” He smirked, “If you weren’t such jerk.”  For a second I felt like such a fool having another breakfast with him.



Between you and me, dear Reader. I’ve known for some time that my friend can’t hear me. He can’t hear anything that doesn’t confirm his preconceived notions. But to set the record straight; I always thought he believed what he was saying. Sadly, after this breakfast, it’s obvious that he doesn’t hear or listen to himself.

I think his behavior very much resembles hypocrisy and racism. But what do I know? Maybe I’m the hypocrite? After all, he was paying for breakfast. Thankfully we moved on to other subjects. I mostly ate, just nodding my head now and again, until the meal was through and we said goodbye.

Thanks for reading A Political DJ

edit 7/23/2017

Sunday Sermon Uno



 Sleeping Baby White Water Buffalo photo by Theresa Campbell shared via google image search


In a war between good and evil; not getting involved puts you on the side of evil, no matter whom you may encounter.

Rev 3:21
To the one who is victorious, I will grant the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.

Rev 6:2
So I looked and saw a white horse, and its rider had a bow. And he was given a crown, and rode out to conquer and defeat.

Rev 19:11
Then I saw heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse. And its rider is called Faithful and True. With righteousness, He judges and wages war.

Rev 19:15
And from His mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God, the Almighty.

Rev 19:17
Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out in a loud voice to all the birds flying overhead, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God,

Rev 19:19
Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies assembled to wage war against the One seated on the horse, and against His army

REV 19:20
But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed signs on his behalf, by which he deceived those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. Both of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.

And the rest were killed with the sword that proceeded from the mouth of the One seated on the horse. And all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.

Luke 13:28
There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves are thrown out.

Luke 23:34
Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up His garments by casting lots.

Luke 23:35
The people stood watching, and the rulers sneered at Him, saying, “He saved others; let Him save Himself if He is the Christ of God, the Chosen One.”

And you probably still have no clue what time it is. Agree or disagree your comments are needed and truly appreciated. Please leave a comment, review, question, or opinion.

Thanks for Reading A Political DJ

No Expiration Date


Future Marines take Oath of Enlistment

Thoughts of an Old Soldier:

Like these young people featured in the picture above, I swore an oath once. It, like their’s, includes the phrase: “protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.” My Oath includes no expiration date. At least not to my knowledge and I didn’t hear one in theirs. Near as I can tell, I am never free of the obligation I swore. That reality has prompted reading the US Constitution. After all, I swore an oath of allegiance to it. I have read it dozens of times. You might say I’ve studied the document. Sometimes I carry a copy in my pocket.

My study involves thought and dictionary and encyclopedias and other sources of research material. I chose what to read and determined what I believe on my own. I used only the power of my own intellect. Without the aid of a liberal Harvard or UC Berkely professor to tell me how, why, and what to think. They base the truth of their understandings on wishes and mountains of case law. Case Law is a record of the attacks they’ve mounted or inspired on the law of the land. Often with the intention to alter the meaning and intent of the plain English words organized in the document known as US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Those professors and legal minds suggest the rubes we call the founding fathers did not really know what they were trying to say and they said it so long ago who could really apply such concepts to the world today. They argue that words don’t mean what they clearly, and obviously mean. These legal magicians work their magic of persuasion on the Courts. Fortunately for those opinions, the courts are presided over by their fellow, though more Elite, like minded magical legal minds. Together they argue and debate – aka conspire – against or ‘for’ the US Constitution.

Finally, they reach an agreement. A new understanding. A more agreeable way of comprehending the – living breathing US Constitution. The truth is re-determined and deemed legal. Sadly, their magic only works against the “traditional” conceptions of truth and the written words. No persuasion will ever get the originally intended intent to be original enough to again have influence. The original intent is dead. Now it’s case law. Legal trickery and manipulative debate practiced and rehearsed to become convincingly persuasive, by future magicians, in the MOOT courts of America’s most prestigious learning institutions.

Don’t believe it?

Visit Harvard Law Schools youtube page. Watch a few hours of MOOT court, where these magicians practice, improve, inspire, and test their magic legal wordsmithing skills. You won’t find this per say but close enough. Student Lawyer: Your Honor, 174 years ago the court ruled it was improper… and again in New Hampshire v Truth …. and finally, as recently as 1931 The court ruled… And that is why Mr. Jones has every right to get away with this crime. Judge: Good argument but not quite good enough to usurp the US Constitution, how do I get around the “make no law” clause. Maybe adding this or this, or maybe that; your argument would be strong enough to convince me? Look into that and come back and try again later.

Case Law is destroying truth and the US Constitution.

That bothersome phrase in the first amendment of the US Constitution; something to the effect of, “Congress shall make no law.” They’ve successfully argued it’s illegal to pray a Christian prayer in the classroom – saying the state can’t force prayer, it interferes with the public education, and is grossly unfair to those non-religious students forced to witness it. It’s been ruled proper and constitutional to outlaw such behavior. Educated Harvard type Lawyer’s then comprehended, “Make No Law” to read “make more and many laws.” They’ve convinced themselves and some of us also believed them. And then they went back to court and successfully argued – public classrooms must allow Muslim students time to pray every couple hours. Claiming such a law or mandate protects religious freedom.

They’ve convinced themselves forcing one group to remain silent is legal and righteous while simultaneously protecting another group’s right to freely exercise the banned behavior of the first group – religious prayer in public classrooms. And people believe them.

But is the true meaning of the freedom described in the first amendment; You people can but you people can’t? Certainly, a reader will point out to me how wrong my understanding is. To them a reminder.

I have already explained I could not afford your liberal educational indoctrination. My opinions are based on the schooling America used to afford its young people. Along with headlines and arguments held in public civil discourse, thousands of magazines articles, newspapers reports, 100’s of books, review of endless legislations, and other materials read or viewed or a 50 year lifetime. In essence, the experience of a life lived, reveals my understanding. I may yet remain ignorant, but I am not stupid.

I have not been brainwashed or indoctrinated again, since leaving the US Army. That is probably why I still love and believe in America, my country. The home of the free and the brave. A heads up to the Educational elites, Progressives, Liberals, Democrat, RINO’s, Republicans, Islamists, Jihadists, Anarchists, Communists, Socialist, Fascists, Racist’s and Nazis trying to further squash America’s freedoms. You may not expect to see more bravery in the land of the Free – but quite likely more bravery will soon be visible in the public arena.
Seeing & hearing stuff like the rantings of LaRaza, BAMN, Antifa, and the Islamic Sharia preachings of Linda Sarsour and her ilk it’s clear to me. There are enemies within the USA borders. The Media and government say that thought makes me a racist and anti-religious freedom. That there’s a lot of bullshit.

I’m old fat and out of shape but the blood of a once young combat medic turned drive on airborne infantryman leading the way with death from above; still, pumps through my aging heart. Ever since I stepped through the door and swore that oath.

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.” (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

You tell me when does it expire? I don’t think it does.

And that’s a serious problem for me today, in the Summer of 2017. America, our Constitution, and way of life are under attack from enemies within. Those enemies have existed for years and I stayed semi-silent hoping our leaders who correct the problems. Now it’s clear, they’ve infiltrated our government and bureaucracies at every level. No one I know wants bloodshed or civil war. But voting hasn’t changed things, nor has letters, emails, or phone calls to those elected representatives of “we the people.” The campaign of words and meme’s on social media is of no help at all. In fact, social media only fuels our divisions.

Please, someone, tell me what more can be done to avoid an inevitable clash?

Thanks For Reading American Political DJ
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$100 Words And Blow



Charles Blow on Wikipedia

I recently read a Charles Blow opinion piece published in the New York Times. His skill with a thesaurus was quite obvious. But for all the $100 words a comprehensible message absconded detection.


Amazingly Blow’s highly paid to spew confusion and his credentials display impeccably on Wikipedia.

To be a writer of political opinion and commentary. Worthy to be published in the newspapers. Shaping and informing opinion. Getting that money, that fame, that recognition. How does one become an opinion maker in the big apple?

Internet rumors suggest affiliations with a government alphabet agency is quite helpful for the up and coming and the icons. Whatever the requirements, Charles Blow’s writing prowess indicates clearly;  written communication skills are not too important.

All swallowing pride aside – not withstanding the privilege of magna cum laude and degrees in mass communication – How does one who communicates so poorly with the written word, prove worthy of being a voice in the New York Times? Could it be, perhaps, the editors convinced themselves Mr. Blow is just wicked smarter to explain away any perceptions of his opinions resembling nonsensical dribble?

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State Of Our Union


An excerpt from American History as captured on an Official White House Facebook Post.

Rob Bixby | James Lintz Are you talking about the governor of a state who resigned after one-half term because the media was too mean to her?

James Lintz | Rob Bixby Absolutely that’s the one! I know that Bridge to nowhere was a joke to you. A lot of us living here, not all but many, understood how valuable that development is to our future.

But, Tina Faye looked stupid and that made the liberal mind think Sarah Palin was; she is not. Sarah Palin is an American success story that’s still not completely written.

Obama needed something to keep the sheep distracted while he got to work un-Americanizing the USA and Usurping the Constitution. Allowing hoards of new ‘citizens’ in to exploit the 14th Amendment. The Media continued to hound Sarah Palin. It interfered with our State’s ability to operate. So she stepped aside and our State business resumed.

The Media assault on Former Governor Palin did not end then and has not ended to this day. Mention her name in a favorable light to one of your friends and you’ll know what I mean. Why do liberals treat her that way?

Maybe, perhaps, no probably it’s very likely because she hasn’t killed the requisite number of unborn babies to gain the approval the Highly Educated New York Elite Socialists or the Progressive West coast liberal LGBTQ Feminist Communists. Thanks for asking.

Thanks for reading American Political DJ – 7/21/2017

#MAGA #AmericaFirst